Babble babble

17/08/2014 10:10

Now is as good a time as any to say and here's as good a place as any write the things that I've always wanted to. Once again, it's been months since my last post. I guess life has its nasty claws, directing me in every direction but the one I want to head. 


I used to write in a diary, but I've not had the time. I'd like to again. Paper itself presents a problem. Little hands grabbing and eating anything within arms reach. A few quick typed words are much easier to manage. Although, it helps get my thoughts written down, I'm still not sure about the idea of penning to the world instead of in my own secret book. Then, if these thoughts are read, how much of my personal life do I want exposed? Being able to express myself and have the release of writing down my thoughts and feelings is euphoric. But I am seclusive. I am private. I'm torn. I mean, it's fine to be generic and vague when its not personal. I need to have the personal touch present. I'm no good at this blogging thing. I never know what is ideal. Sure, I'd like people to read but only to be redirected to my fiction works. *sigh*.


Maybe one day. Maybe never I'll include some personal details. But right now, life calls and people need feeding - namely me.

