Also known as ...

27/02/2013 18:49

The ever popular psuedonym or nom de plume or pen name is an alluring path of anonymity and intrigue. I was contenplating this fact today as I engaged in a somewhat childish activity - googling my own name. In the zero point something seconds it took, my eyes lit up with excitement to find I not only was I on the search but I was second, third and forth on the list. I was so excited I screen printed the page and emailed the jpeg to a few of my closest friends and family members.

Deciding to take on another name to remain anonymous while writing and publishing books was a choice I made many years ago. In high school, a friend and I concocted our own pen names and made a promise to look out for each other on bookshelves in the future. Although I haven't seen her on shelves, I can still assume that no one has the same name. The name we chose, I found out later while performing that childish and somewhat narcissistic venture, was taken. Without getting into too much detail, I did come up with another name that I am quite happy with.

I am happy with my name and remaining in the shadows but I have run into another obstacle. How do I market myself, my work without revealing who I am? I hear nay sayers scoff and say "That's ridiculous! You're just going to have to suck it up and do something." Of course, while never offering any viable solutions. I've always wanted to be one of those rare instant sensations who appear in stores worldwide from one well-liked book. A fleeting dream. While desirable, it's not probable so I have to look at other options. But what? My husband suggested I post the google search jpeg on my facebook page and scream, "It's ME!". But that goes against everything I have worked for. I want publicity but I don't want to be associated with it. I had thought about creating a seperate facebook page and pushing my own work as a 'friends' but who hasn't done that trick before? I am stuck between wanting to be a famous author and remaining hidden.

I guess all in all, choosing a psuedonym may sound like a desirable mystery but there comes a point where I'm going to have to poke my head out. As scary as that may seem, there could be some worthwhile rewards in the sunlight. Well, I'll just wait and see.


S. McWilliams